Source code for predicates

import types
import logging
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def regex_predicate(pattern, lower=False): """Returns a predicate function which returns True if pattern is matched. if lower == True, the text will be made lower case.""" if lower: compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) else: compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern) def retfunc(chat_handler, msg): try: text = msg['text'] logger.debug("Matching regex: '{}' in '{}'".format( pattern, text)) retmatch = compiled_pattern.match(text) logger.debug("Match: {}".format(retmatch)) return retmatch except KeyError: return False def _toJSON(self): return str(compiled_pattern) retfunc.toJSON = types.MethodType(_toJSON, retfunc) return retfunc
# TODO make command_predicate in terms of regex_predicate
[docs]def command_predicate(cmd): """Returns a predicate coroutine which returns True if command is sent.""" async def retcoro(beard_chat_handler, msg): bot_username = await beard_chat_handler.get_username() pattern = r"^/{}(?:@{}| |$)".format( cmd, bot_username, ) try: logger.debug("Matching regex: '{}' in '{}'".format( pattern, msg['text'])) retmatch = re.match(pattern, msg['text']) logger.debug("Match: {}".format(retmatch)) return retmatch except KeyError: return False return retcoro
[docs]class Filters: """Filters used to call plugin methods when particular types of messages are received. For usage, see description of the BeardChatHandler.__commands__ variable. """
[docs] @classmethod def text(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for text messages""" return "text" in msg
[docs] @classmethod def text_no_cmd(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for text messages that don't start with a bot command""" return "text" in msg and not msg["text"].startswith("/")
[docs] @classmethod def document(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for sent documents""" return "document" in msg
[docs] @classmethod def photo(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for sent locations""" return "photo" in msg
[docs] @classmethod def location(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for sent locations""" return "location" in msg