.. figure:: http://i.imgur.com/BkjfI3k.png :alt: Skybeard Introduction ============ Skybeard is a plug-in based bot for telegram, and uses the telepot library. How to make a beard: quick version ---------------------------------- If you're interested in making a new beard, the easiest way is through the `new_beard.py` script found in the `utils` folder. .. code-block:: none $ utils/newbeard.py -h usage: newbeard.py [-h] [-d DIR] [-r [REQUIREMENTS [REQUIREMENTS ...]]] name Create new beard in given folder. positional arguments: name Name of beard. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to put beard in (defaults to beard name). -r [REQUIREMENTS [REQUIREMENTS ...]], --requirements [REQUIREMENTS [REQUIREMENTS ...]] Create requirements file with optional requirements. This script will create a new beard, e.g. .. code-block:: none $ utils/newbeard.py foo_beard $ tree foo_beard foo_beard ├── python │   └── foo_beard │   └── __init__.py ├── README.txt └── setup_beard.py 2 directories, 3 files which you can run immediately by adding it to the config in the normal way.