Source code for beards

Handles the loading and running of skybeard plugins.
architecture inspired by:
import asyncio
import re
import logging
import json
import traceback

import telepot.aio

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def regex_predicate(pattern): """Returns a predicate function which returns True if pattern is matched.""" def retfunc(chat_handler, msg): try: logging.debug("Matching regex: '{}' in '{}'".format( pattern, msg['text'])) retmatch = re.match(pattern, msg['text']) logging.debug("Match: {}".format(retmatch)) return retmatch except KeyError: return False return retfunc
# TODO make command_predicate in terms of regex_predicate
[docs]def command_predicate(cmd): """Returns a predicate coroutine which returns True if command is sent.""" async def retcoro(beard_chat_handler, msg): bot_username = await beard_chat_handler.get_username() pattern = r"^/{}(?:@{}|[^@]|$)".format( cmd, bot_username, ) try: logging.debug("Matching regex: '{}' in '{}'".format( pattern, msg['text'])) retmatch = re.match(pattern, msg['text']) logging.debug("Match: {}".format(retmatch)) return retmatch except KeyError: return False return retcoro
# TODO rename coro to coro_name or something better than that
[docs]class Command(object): """Holds information to determine whether a function should be triggered.""" def __init__(self, pred, coro, hlp=None): self.pred = pred self.coro = coro self.hlp = hlp
[docs]class SlashCommand(object): """Holds information to determine whether a telegram command was sent.""" def __init__(self, cmd, coro, hlp=None): self.cmd = cmd self.pred = command_predicate(cmd) self.coro = coro self.hlp = hlp
[docs]def create_command(cmd_or_pred, coro, hlp=None): """Creates a Command or SlashCommand object as appropriate. Used to make __commands__ tuples into Command objects.""" if isinstance(cmd_or_pred, str): return SlashCommand(cmd_or_pred, coro, hlp) elif callable(cmd_or_pred): return Command(cmd_or_pred, coro, hlp) raise TypeError("cmd_or_pred must be str or callable.")
[docs]class TelegramHandler(logging.Handler): """A logging handler that posts directly to telegram""" def __init__(self, bot, parse_mode=None): = bot self.parse_mode = parse_mode super().__init__()
[docs] def emit(self, record): coro = self.format(record), parse_mode=self.parse_mode) asyncio.ensure_future(coro)
[docs]class Beard(type): """Metaclass for creating beards.""" beards = list() def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): if "__userhelp__" not in dct: dct["__userhelp__"] = ("The author has not defined a " "<code>__userhelp__</code> for this beard.") if "__commands__" in dct: for i in range(len(dct["__commands__"])): tmp = dct["__commands__"].pop(0) dct["__commands__"].append(create_command(*tmp)) return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # If specified as base beard, do not add to list try: if attrs["__is_base_beard__"] is False: Beard.beards.append(cls) except KeyError: attrs["__is_base_beard__"] = False Beard.beards.append(cls) super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
[docs] def register(cls, beard): """Add beard to internal list of beards.""" cls.beards.append(beard)
[docs]class Filters: """Filters used to call plugin methods when particular types of messages are received. For usage, see description of the BeardChatHandler.__commands__ variable. """ @classmethod
[docs] def text(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for text messages""" return "text" in msg
[docs] def document(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for sent documents""" return "document" in msg
[docs] def location(cls, chat_handler, msg): """Filters for sent locations""" return "location" in msg
[docs]class ThatsNotMineException(Exception): """Raised if data does not match beard. Used to check if serialized callback data belongs to the plugin. See BeardChatHandler.serialize()""" pass
[docs]class BeardChatHandler(telepot.aio.helper.ChatHandler, metaclass=Beard): """Chat handler for beards. This is the primary interface between skybeard and any plug-in. The plug-in must define a class that inherets from BeardChatHandler. This class should overwrite __commands__ with a list of tuples that route messages containing commands, or if they pass certain "Filters" (see skybeard.beards.Filters). E.g: ```Python __commands__ = [ ('mycommand', 'my_func', 'this is a help message'), (Filters.location, 'my_other_func', 'another help message')] ``` In this case, when the bot receives the command "/mycommand", it will call self.my_func(msg) where msg is a dict containing all the message information. The filter (from skybeard.beards) will call self.my_other_func(msg) whenever "msg" contains a location. The help messages are collected by the help functions and automatically formatted and sent when a user sends /help to the bot. Instances of the plug-in classes are created when required (such as when a filter is passed, a command or a regex pattern for the bot is matched etc.) and they are destructed after a set timeout. The default is 10 seconds, but this can be overwritten with, for example _timeout = 90 The class should also define a __userhelp__ string which will be used in the auto help message generation. """ __is_base_beard__ = True _timeout = 10 __commands__ = [] # Should be got with get_username. # # TODO find a way to use coroutines as property getters and setters _username = None
[docs] async def get_username(self): """Returns the username of the bot""" if type(self)._username is None: type(self)._username = (await['username'] return type(self)._username
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._instance_commands = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger( "beardlogger.{}.{}".format(self.get_name(), self.chat_id)) self._handler = TelegramHandler(self) self.logger.addHandler(self._handler)
[docs] def on_close(self, e): """Removes per beard logger handler and calls telepot default on_close.""" self.logger.removeHandler(self._handler) super().on_close(e)
async def __onerror__(self, e): """Runs when functions decorated with @onerror except. Useful for emitting debug crash logs. Can be overridden to use custom error tracking (e.g. telegramming the author of the beard when a crash happens.) """ self.logger.debug( "More details on crash of {}:\n\n{}".format( self, "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)))) def _make_uid(self): """Generates a unique ID for the beard which is different for each chat""" return type(self).__name__+str(self.chat_id)
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """Serialises data to be specific for each beard instance. Serialize callback data (such as with inline keyboard buttons). The id of the plug-in is encoded into the callback data so ownership of callbacks can be easily checked when it is deserialized. Also avoids the same plug-in receiving callback data from another chat """ return json.dumps((self._make_uid(), data))
[docs] def deserialize(self, data): """Deserializes the callback data""" data = json.loads(data) if data[0] == self._make_uid(): return data[1] else: raise ThatsNotMineException( "Data does not belong to this bot!")
[docs] def setup_beards(cls, key): """Perform setup necessary for all beards.""" cls.key = key
[docs] def register_command(self, pred_or_cmd, coro, hlp=None): """Registers an instance level command. This can be used to create instance specific commands e.g. if a user needs to type /cmdSOMEAPIKEY: ``` self.register_commmand('cmd{}'.format(SOMEAPIKEY), 'name_of_coro') ``` """ logging.debug("Registering instance command: {}".format(pred_or_cmd)) self._instance_commands.append(create_command(pred_or_cmd, coro, hlp))
[docs] def get_name(cls): """Get the name of the beard (e.g. cls.__name__).""" return cls.__name__
[docs] async def on_chat_message(self, msg): """Default on_chat_message for beards. Can be overwritten in order to define the behaviour of the plug-in whenever any message is received. NOTE: super().on_chat_message(msg) must be called in the overwrite to preserve default behaviour. This is usually done after custom behaviour, e.g. ```Python async def on_chat_message(self, msg): await self.sender.sendMessage("I got your message!") super().on_chat_message(msg) ``` """ for cmd in self._instance_commands + type(self).__commands__: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cmd.pred): pred_value = await cmd.pred(self, msg) else: pred_value = cmd.pred(self, msg) if pred_value: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cmd.coro): await cmd.coro(msg) elif callable(cmd.coro): cmd.coro(msg) else: await getattr(self, cmd.coro)(msg)