Source code for help.__init__

import telepot

# from skybeard.beards import BeardAsyncChatHandlerMixin
from skybeard.beards import BeardChatHandler, Beard, SlashCommand
from skybeard.utils import embolden, italisize

import config

# TODO neaten the logic so fetching and formatting are truly separate again
[docs]async def fetch_user_help(): """Returns a dictionary of all the __userhelp__'s defined in the loaded plug-ins.""" retdict = dict() for beard in Beard.beards: name = beard.get_name() try: retdict[name] = beard.__userhelp__ if hasattr(beard, '__commands__'): retdict[name] += "\n\n" for cmd in beard.__commands__: if isinstance(cmd, SlashCommand): retdict[name] += "/{} - {}\n".format( cmd.cmd, cmd.hlp) except AttributeError: retdict[name] = None return retdict
[docs]async def format_user_help(userhelps): """Takes a dict of user help messages and formats them.""" retstr = italisize("List of beard documentation:\n\n") for name, userhelp in sorted(userhelps.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): if userhelp: retstr += "{name}:\n{userhelp}\n\n".format(name=embolden(name), userhelp=userhelp) else: retstr += "{name}:\nNo documentation found.\n\n".format(name=embolden(name)) retstr += italisize("End of beard documentation.") return retstr
[docs]def get_all_cmd_helps(): """Retrieves the help messages in the tuples of each plug-in's __commands__ list""" all_cmds = set() for beard in Beard.beards: for cmd in beard.__commands__: if isinstance(cmd, SlashCommand): all_cmds.add(cmd) str_list = ["{} - {}".format(x.cmd, x.hlp) for x in all_cmds] return "\n".join(str_list)
[docs]class Help(telepot.aio.helper.ChatHandler):
[docs] async def send_help(self, msg): """sends the user a combined help message for all plug-ins""" retstr = "" try: retstr += config.__userhelp__ except AttributeError: retstr += ("My help message is unconfigured. To display " "something here, add a docstring to my") userhelp = await fetch_user_help() userhelp = await format_user_help(userhelp) retstr += "\n\n{}".format(userhelp) await self.sender.sendMessage(retstr, parse_mode='html')
[docs] async def cmd_helps(self, msg): """sends the user a formatted list of commands for easy registering with botfather""" await self.sender.sendMessage( "Forward the following to the BotFather when he asks for your " "list of commands.") await self.sender.sendMessage(get_all_cmd_helps(), parse_mode="HTML")
[docs]def create_help(config): class BeardedHelp(Help, BeardChatHandler): """Beard for interfacing help functionality with telegram""" _timeout = 2 __commands__ = [ ('help', 'send_help', "Shows verbose help message."), ('cmdhelps', 'cmd_helps', "Lists all commands available."), ] __userhelp__ = "I'm the default help beard." return BeardedHelp